Cool Runnings


Posted on : 2:49 PM | By : Jennifer

I've decided on a B-movie theme for my post titles...I'll see how long I can keep it going.

I am spending the week at my in-laws house in Seaside, Oregon. Laura (my mom-in-law) is wonderful and always insists on watching the kids if I want to go do anything. It's only polite that I take her up on it once in awhile.

So this morning I went for a gloriously long, slow, quiet, solitary run along the beach. For the first time I can remember, the beach was absolutely empty. No people, no dogs. No kids. No cars. No running buddies. No iPod. Just me, the seagulls, the salt-heavy air, and the waves crashing into the velvety Oregon coastline.

There are worse ways to spend a Wednesday morning.

Simple pleasure, perhaps, but too good not to share. Tell me again why we spend money on theme parks?